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Extended information on Privacy management 


The GDPR ("General Data Protection Regulation") is a regulation of the European Commission (EU Regulation 2016/679) which intervened in the field of personal data to ensure greater protection of citizens' rights and of residents within the borders of the European Union.


  1. What data we process
  2. Why your data is processed and on what legal basis
  3. Who will process your data
  4. How long your data is kept
  5. What are your rights
  6. Changes to the Privacy Policy
  7. Web Push Notification
  8. Data security
  9. Contacts of data controllers and related data protection officers


Welcome to the website (hereinafter, the "Site"). For FASCINOCELLINI your privacy and the security of your personal data are very important, which is why it collects and manages your personal data with the utmost care and takes specific measures to keep them safe.


Below you will find the main information on the processing of your personal data in relation to your browsing of the Site and the use of the services offered. For detailed information on how your personal data is processed, please read this document carefully (Privacy Policy). We also ask you to read the ‎‎Cookie Policy‎‎ and the Conditions of Use of the Site, which contain detailed information regarding, respectively, the use of cookies and similar technologies on the Site and the conditions relating to our services. Some services may be subject to specific legal terms, in which case it will be our responsibility to give you all the appropriate information from time to time.

This Privacy Policy refers exclusively to the Site, and does not concern any third party websites referred to within the pages of the Site.


1. What data we process

With reference to the processing purposes indicated in point 2 below, FASCINOCELLINI processes different types of personal data concerning you, including:


  • your identification data (such as name and surname), your contact details (such as email address and telephone number), are used by FASCINOCELLINI to manage your eventual requests for information relating to FASCINOCELLINI products;​
  • in the case of your registration on the Site ("My Account"), your identification data, your email address and your password;
  • your identification and contact data may be processed when you have consented to receive, by telephone, email or other means, marketing communications from or in the name of FASCINOCELLINI, or communications by or in the name of business partners of FASCINOCELLINI with whom, with your express consent, FASCINOCELLINI has shared your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy;
  • when you have given your consent, FASCINOCELLINI also processes data relating to your preferences and interests, such as the products you have purchased or that are included in your wish list, age and gender, your country of origin, the language and your preferred currency, the newsletters you are subscribed to and the interaction with them and with the events of the FASCINOCELLINI world.
    FASCINOCELLINI processes your data to analyze your habits and preferences to offer you personalized services and communications in line with your interests;

Furthermore, when you browse the Site, data relating to your browsing are collected in particular to verify the regular functioning of the Site, to guarantee you the best navigation and to increase the quality of our services. For more information on the technologies used (cookies and similar tools) you are invited to consult ours ‎‎Cookie Policy.   


2. Why your data is processed and on what legal basis






2.1 Purposes related to the online sale of products


FASCINOCELLINI, as data controller, processes your personal data for the online sale of FASCINOCELLINI products and the related activities connected to it. In particular for:


  • registration on the Site ("My Account") and use of the services reserved for registered users (for example: Favorites, Newsletters). This processing is necessary for the execution of a contract to which you are a party (registration on the Site and related provision of services). The provision of your personal data is mandatory; failing that, you will not be able to register on the Site and use the services dedicated to registered users;
  • the prevention and repression of fraud and abusive behavior (including by third parties) in contrast with the regulations in force, the applicable contractual provisions, the rules of correctness and good faith. The lawfulness of this processing is based on the legitimate interest in carrying out security checks and activities for the purpose of prevention and protection from fraudulent activities and abusive behavior. Upon your request, you will be provided with detailed information on the aforementioned legitimate interest and on the related so-called balance test.


2.2 Purposes related to the performance of other services requested by you


You can contact FASCINOCELLINI for more information on the world and on FASCINOCELLINI products.

FASCINOCELLINI processes the personal data that you provide when you use these Site services and that you enter in the relevant modules of the Site. The treatment is based on the fulfillment of a contractual obligation between the parties or on the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted on you. request. The provision of your personal data is mandatory, any refusal would prevent you from using the requested service.


2.3 Comunication Purposes


With your consent, which is optional, FASCINOCELLINI uses your personal data for comunication purposes. FASCINOCELLINI, in fact, will be able to send you promotions, services and events.


With your consent, which is optional, FASCINOCELLINI uses the data collected online, through this or other sites or through the FASCINOCELLINI accounts on social media, to collect information relating to your preferences, habits, lifestyle. The data is used to create group and / or individual profiles ("profiling") that allow us to send you personalized communications in line with your interests, or to carry out statistical analysis, even with anonymous data, organized in aggregate form. The processing of your data is based on your freely expressed consent and the provision of your data is optional; there will be no impact on the ability to access and consult our online site.


To send you communications, channels such as email, newsletters, SMS, MMS, chat, instant messaging, social networks and traditional mail are used, including the sending of invitations to events organized by FASCINOCELLINI or in which FASCINOCELLINI participates. You can unsubscribe from the newsletters through the appropriate section of your personal account or by clicking on the relative link, present at the bottom of each commercial communication.

2.4 Further purposes


Your personal data are processed by the owner, to the extent of his competence, also for:


  • the management of requests for the exercise of rights regarding the protection of personal data (more information in​ point 6). This processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject;
  • other obligations regarding the protection of personal data. In certain circumstances, the legislation on the protection of personal data obliges the data controller to use your contact details to provide you with specific information on the processing of your data such as, for example, to inform you of any security breaches that have affected your data and the measures taken to deal with it (so-called data breach), as well as to notify you of any significant updates to this privacy statement. This treatment is, therefore, necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject.



3. Who will process your data


Your personal data may be accessed by Fascinocellini staff (employees and collaborators), as well as third parties (suppliers and / or business partners) who have been adequately selected by the owners and offer a suitable guarantee of compliance with the rules on the processing of personal data.


These third parties may carry out, on the basis of a specific designation by the owners (by each of them for the treatments they own), their activity as "data processors" (therefore under the direct responsibility of the data controller who has designated them: for example, internet providers, companies specialized in IT and telematic services, customer service companies, companies that carry out marketing activities, companies specialized in market research and data processing).


Furthermore, your personal data may be disclosed to third parties even when the communication is required by applicable laws and regulations with respect to legitimate third parties recipients of communications, such as authorities and public bodies that process your data as independent owners for their respective institutional purposes.

You can request an updated list of the subjects to whom you communicate your data by contacting us at the addresses indicated below.


Some of the subjects indicated above may also be established outside the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), in countries that do not guarantee an adequate level of protection of personal data according to the standards established by the GDPR.

FASCINOCELLINI adopts the necessary precautions for a legitimate data transfer (in particular, through the use of the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission).

You can request information on the transfer abroad of your personal data at any time by contacting us at the addresses indicated below.


4. How long your data is kept 


We keep your personal data for a limited period of time, strictly related to the purpose for which it was collected and in compliance with applicable legal or regulatory obligations. At the end of the established retention period, your personal data will be deleted or in any case made anonymous irreversibly, except in the case in which FASCINOCELLINI is required to keep the data for a further period to fulfill legal or regulatory obligations or to exercise or defend a right in court.


The retention period differs depending on the purpose of the processing, in particular:

  • for profiling or personalized promotion purposes (point 2.1), your data is kept for a period of 7 (seven) years from the moment of the release of your consent for the aforementioned purposes, following the impact assessment on data protection conducted by Fascinocellini, with the participation of its Data Protection Officer;​
  • to fulfill the legal obligations regarding the processing of personal data (point 2.4), your personal data will be processed by each owner, to the extent of their competence, for the period necessary to manage your request to exercise the rights recognized by the GDPR o to fulfill the legal obligation to which the data controller is subject. The data necessary to demonstrate compliance with the legal obligations to which the owner is subject will be kept for 10 (ten) years;
  • in the event of a judicial or administrative dispute, your data will be kept for the period necessary for the legal protection of a right by FASCINOCELLINI or a third party or within the limits imposed by the judicial or administrative authorities.


For more information about the storage of your personal data, contact us at the addresses indicated below.

5. What are your rights


You can contact each data controller or the respective Data Protection Officer at any time, at the addresses specified below, to exercise your rights recognized by the GDPR and, in particular:


  • confirm whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed and, in this case, to obtain access and a copy of such personal data ("right of access");
  • rectification of your personal data, that is to obtain the correction, modification or updating of any inaccurate or no longer correct data, as well as to obtain the integration of incomplete personal data, also by providing an additional declaration ("right of rectification");
  • revoke your consent ("right to revoke consent"): you can revoke the consent you have given for the processing of your personal data at any time, including profiling. Upon receipt of your request, the owner will promptly cease the processing of your personal data based on this consent, while different treatments or based on other assumptions will continue to be carried out in full compliance with the provisions in force;
  • request the deletion of your personal data when these, in particular, (i) are no longer necessary with respect to the purposes for which they were collected or processed, or (ii) have been unlawfully processed, or (iii) must be deleted to fulfill a legal obligation, or, finally, (iv) you have opposed their processing (see below "right to object") and there is no legitimate overriding reason that allows the owner to proceed with the processing in any case ("right of cancellation" or " right to be forgotten ");
  • obtain the limitation of the processing of your personal data, i.e. that the owner retains such data without being able to use them without prejudice to any requests and exceptions provided for by law. This right can be exercised only when, in particular, (i) you contest the accuracy of the personal data, for the period necessary for the owner to verify the accuracy of such personal data, or (ii) the processing of the data is unlawful and you request the limitation of their use, rather than cancellation, or (iii) although the owner no longer needs them for processing purposes, the personal data are necessary for you to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court or (iv) you have opposed their processing (see below "right of opposition"), pending verification of the possible prevalence of the legitimate reasons of the owner with respect to those of the interested party (right of limitation);
  • request your data or transfer them to a person other than the owner ("right to data portability"). You can ask to receive the data processed on the basis of your consent or on the basis of a contract stipulated with you, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device. If you wish, where technically possible, we may at your request transfer your data directly to a third party indicated by you;
  • file a complaint with one of the supervisory authorities responsible for compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data, if you believe that the processing of your personal data has been carried out illegitimately ("right to lodge a complaint"). In Italy, the complaint can be presented to the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data (

Furthermore, as an interested party you also enjoy the "right of opposition", that is:

  • object at any time, for reasons connected to your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data carried out for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the owner or for marketing purposes, including profiling. The owner will refrain from further processing your personal data unless it demonstrates the existence of compelling legitimate reasons to proceed with the processing that prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of the interested party or for the assessment, exercise or defense of a right in court.

To ensure full compliance with the rights described above and that our users' data are not violated or illegitimately accessed by third parties, before accepting your request to exercise one of the rights indicated, we may ask you for some information to ascertain your identity. or for clarification on the request made.

6. Change to the privacy policy 


The features, functionalities and services offered by the Site may undergo changes in the future, as a result, this Privacy Policy may undergo changes and additions over time. You are therefore invited to periodically check the contents. You will be duly notified of any significant changes made to this Privacy Policy.


7. Web Push Notification 


FASCINOCELLINI uses some of your personal data in order to send you personalized notifications on its products and commercial news (so-called “web push notification”) on your device, with your express consent.


In order to send you these notifications, technologies similar to cookies are used (in particular, “HTLM5 Local Storage”) which store information in the Local Storage of your device. Some of your personal data are also stored on servers - located in the European Union - for the management of "web push notifications".


The personalization of communications is carried out on the basis of the way in which you browse and use the Site and, in particular, the products you have viewed, purchased or placed in the cart or the data you entered in the registration form on the Site or during the purchase phase. of products on the Site (in particular, your name to personalize the communication sent to you and your date of birth to offer you promotions and discounts dedicated to you on your birthday).


The categories of personal data that are used for this purpose are:

  • first name;
  • date of birth;
  • gender (man or woman or other);
  • language used for navigation and version of the Site used (country);
  • information about the device and browser that are used by you;
  • date and time in which you consented to receive web push notifications;
  • creation date of the My Account;
  • date of the last visit to the Site.


You can withdraw your consent to receive such personalized commercial communications at any time by proceeding, depending on the browser you use, according to the following instructions.

Main browsers:

  • Chrome: Show Advanced Settings> Privacy - Content Settings> Notifications - Manage exceptions> Enter and select "Block"
  • Firefox: Options> Contents> Notifications - Select> - "Block"
  • Safari: Preferences> Notifications> From here set the selector to "Reject".


You can also withdraw your consent to receive such notifications also starting from the communications you receive, by proceeding according to the following instructions:

  • Desktop: Right click on the notification> disable notifications from
  • Mobile: Access the notification center> Site parameters> Notifications> Block notifications from


In any case, the service and your personal data held by FASCINOCELLINI will be deleted after 365 (three hundred and sixty-five) days from the date of your last visit to the Site.


8. Data security 


FASCINOCELLINI adopts specific technical and organizational security measures in order to safeguard the confidentiality of the personal data of users of the Site and to prevent their personal data from being used illegitimately or fraudulently.

You are invited to take appropriate precautions when using the Site, such as keeping your login credentials strictly confidential or changing them periodically.

9. Contacts of data controllers and related data protection officers


The data controller is FASCINOCELLINI, email:


The Data Protection Officer for FASCINOCELLINI can be contacted at the following email address:

For any clarification, question or need related to your privacy or to exercise your rights recognized by the GDPR (see point 5), you can contact us by sending a request to our Customer Service by selecting "Privacy".


Last updated:

    February 2024